Apollo Hospitals


At the ApolloHospital training center, Human Patient Simulators  are used to train students. A centrepiece is a full-sized patient simulator that blinks, breathes, and has a heartbeat and pulse. Attached monitors display vital signs. It provides virtual simulation of almost every major bodily function. This simulator can be used for a range of scenarios from physical examination to major trauma. It even recognizes injected medications via a laser bar-code reader and responds with appropriate vital signs. It is particularly helpful for practicing the teamwork and communication required during heart attacks and other major clinical events.And also simulated clinical environments such as an ICU/emergency room bay are created that provides all the equipment for intubations, intravenous lines, and suction as well as a crash cart.

Significantly, these simulators present a variety of different clinical scenarios that simulate many types of patients with different diagnoses and pathology. Therefore, students practice much more than procedure technique; they learn to apply their skills in a range of realistic clinical situations.



Our Training Centres

Apollo Hospitals

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